1. Silver Set of LP Thuat - THB 2500 - RM 280
2. Nawa Set of LP Thuat - THB 999 - RM 110
3. Big Size Rian -
4. Small size rian (Med Dtang)
Bulk Purchase for Thai Amulets. The main purpose of this webpage is to gather all amulet collectors to do a bulk purchase. With higher quantity we are able to get lower price.
This batch of LP Thuat is created by AC KhunPhan's son in the memory of AC KhunPhan. This is one of the Pattomkasat Batches and very popular. The front view of the amulet is a LP Thuat (Big Head) and rear of the amulet is AC KhunPhan. This amulet is made in the year of 2550. A very worth collection especially for AC KhunPhan's follower.
Material: copper
Price: RM 150
Please email me to order this. Email: jatukam.amulet@yahoo.com
Thanks for viewing.
Brass with Copper Center - RM 180
Please sent me an email if you are interested or if you need any additional information.
Thanks for viewing.
This batch of Jatukam is created by Ahjan Khun Phan's sons for the memory of Ajahn Khun Phan. Ajahn Khun Phan had gained high respect when he was police general. The back of the Jatukam is Ajahn Khun Phan holding a sword (Parang), some people call this batch as Parang. This batch was made in 2550. A very worth collectible especially for Ajahn Khun Phan's follower.
material: copper
price: RM 120
Updated 4th December 2007 - Stock in hand, left 5 more...
Please email to me if interested. Thanks for viewing.
1. What is Bulk order or Bulk Purchase?
Bulk order or bulk purchase means at one time we are buying in a high quatity of goods. Just like dealer buying in goods from their supplier.
2. Why Bulk Purchase and what are the advantages?
Just like other amulet shops here in Malaysia, they are buying in a single type of amulet with high quantity, with high quantity they can get a better price from their supplier. We can do as what they are doing so that we can get a cheaper price compare to amulet shop. The advantages are lower price, 100% genuine and over here we can get to know other amulet collectors.
3. How does it work? How to purchase in Bulk?
First I will post up a few batches of thai amulets, for the amulets that I had post up I do not have them in stock. Then I will set a target quantity for the batch. If we can get orders to the preset quatity, then I will proceed the bulk.
For example, I post up Jatukam roon Treprakiat, RM 50, minimum bulk quantity 10 pcs.
User "A" saw my post and she decide to order 2 pcs, then I will take down the order.
User "B" ordered 5 pcs for himself and his fren.
User "C" ordered 1 pcs
my fren ordered 3 pcs.
So total order are 11 pcs which means this bulk purchase will be succeed. The next trip to Thailand I will go and take the stock and distribute to the buyer that had ordered. By average, I travel to Thailand once a month.
4. How do I place my order and How the payment should be made.
If you found something interesting that I had posted and you decided to order, please sent me an email jatukam.amulet@yahoo.com with the batch that you want, quantity that you want and your contacts details. I will send back a confirmation mail after I had receive your order.
For payment, you do not need to pay me when you order. Payment will only be collected after I get the amulets back from thailand and pass them to you. Payment will not be collected upon order because not every bulk will be success, for bulk that only has 1 or 2 orders will not make it to the end. I will not ask any deposite from you all but in return I need you all to make sure after you ordered and if the bulk is success, make sure you will collect the amulets. No cancellation in the last minutes.
For overseas buyer, payment can be made thru TT. All the charges of TT should be bear by the buyer and the buyer will aslo responsible for the postage.
5. Can COD (Cash on Delivery)?
No Problem as long as your location is in Penang. (Island only)
If do you find any instruction here is unclear or not stated please do let me know by leaving comments or email to jatukam.amulet@yahoo.com
Thanks for your support .........